BiometriX 2011 will focus on the subject of identifying people with 100% accuracy.
“I AM” is the capability of systems and processes to identify and authenticate that individuals are who
they say they are, what rights are subsequently associated with them and the access and privileges
they have. It is the integration of IM and AC into a functional and secure business process.
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:: Overview - BiometriX 2011 ::

“I AM”

The goal of identity management (IM) is to identify individuals via some mechanism, verify their identity and authenticate it against some standard, which will allow them access to a physical or logical resource. Access control (AC) works on the same principle, allowing an individual access to a resource based on some form of identification presented and the acceptance that the identity is valid.

IM and AC are therefore intricately linked in reality and should be integrated in all aspects of security to ensure the right people have access to the right resources, all the time. Of course, various issues prevent this from happening in the real world, but as security and other business sectors converge, the ability to identify and grant access to physical and logical resources with 100% accurately will become critical – and this applies to both the public and private sectors. The proliferation of malware and hacking in the IT sector is a precursor to what can happen if “doors” are opened incorrectly, whether by accident or malice. What happens when IT systems, in particular IP pervade security and other industries?

BiometriX 2011 will focus on the subject of identifying people with 100% accuracy.

“I AM” is the capability of systems and processes to identify and authenticate that individuals are who they say they are, what rights are subsequently associated with them and the access and privileges they have. It is the integration of IM and AC into a functional and secure business process.

BiometriX 2011 will cover the concept of IM, defining it in today’s business and political world, identify global and local trends in IM and best implementation practices. We also look at some of the pitfalls in implementing effective identity management practices in organisations. Far from the traditional card-based access controls, effective IM needs more than a card which can be lost, stolen or forged to accurately authenticate and assign rights to people. Additionally, with so many solutions out there, how does a business ensure its AC solutions can integrate with the latest IM processes and existing business applications and processes?

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